quartz - rose quartz - UNIT OF 5 STUDENT SPECIMENS
$ 11.50
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Quartz is the second most common rock-forming mineral after feldspar. The color of rose quartz is caused by microscopic silicate mineral fibers similar to dumortierite that are aligned with the crystal directions, giving it a cloudy translucence. Good coloration is best seen in large specimens and is rare in small ones like these, where the pink color is very light.
Rose quartz is always found in massive form, typically in hydrothermal veins and pegmatites.
Pure quartz "silica" sand is used in the manufacture of glass. It is melted and cooled rapidly so that the atoms cannot organize into crystals. An unorganized mass of atoms is the characteristic of glass and accounts for its curved conchoidal fracture. Quartz also exhibits this fracture. As an example of this, think of the curved chips in the rim of a carelessly opened bottle.
We have no locality data for these student specimens, but suspect they are from Mexico. Better than the average specimens we have been offered.
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