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sand - complete set of every sand we have in stock - 12 ml screw top glass tube of each of the 12 sand types

$ 18.80

The 12 sand types in the set:

1. orange pink dune sand derived from the Navajo Sandstone near Zion Canyon, Utah 

2. yellow brown dune sand derived from a sandstone member in the Menefee Formation, New Mexico

3. green sand, olivine and coral, from South Point, Hawaii  

4. chocolate brown beach sand, Rockaway Beach, California, primarily derived from rocks of the Jurassic/Cretaceous Franciscan Complex 

5. oolitic sand from Great Salt Lake, Utah 

6. angular-grained quartz sand from Zuma Beach, Malibu, California

7. garnetiferous sand from Pfeiffer Beach, California

8. white gypsum sand from Lake Lucero, the same sand that forms the dunes at White Sands National Park

9. large-grained quartz dune sand, Monastery Beach, Carmel Bay, California

10. sand with a high percentage of glass grains related to Glass Beach, Ft. Bragg, California

11. orange tan sand derived from the Navajo Sandstone in the San Rafael Swell

12. iridescent coarse-grained angular basalt sand from the top of a lava flow at Kalapana, Hawaii

There are approximately 20-22 grams of sand in each tube by weight, 12 ml by volume.

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