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sand - single tube of any sand we have in stock - make your own set at $2.70 per tube. Five sand types are shown

$ 2.70

From left to right, the sands shown here are angular quartz sand from Zuma Beach, California, iridescent angular black sand from a lava flow at Kalapana, Hawaii, orange frosted-grain aeolian sand derived from the Navajo Sandstone in Utah, a heterogeneous glacial sand from Dorr Skeels Lake, Montana, and olivine sand from Hawaii. You can make up your own set by selecting any sand that we offer at $2.70 per tube

The tubes are16 ml each, optically clear polystyrene with screw caps. The plastic tubes are practical in a classroom and are somewhat student resistant, though a cap can be unscrewed. Good for student examination. Each sand has a data card with it.

We currently have these sand types in stock:

1. orange pink dune sand derived from the Navajo Sandstone in Utah 

2. yellow brown dune sand derived from a sandstone member in the Menefee Formation, New Mexico

3. green sand, 75% olivine and 25% coral from South Point, Hawaii 

4. chocolate brown beach sand, Rockaway Beach, California, primarily derived from rocks of the Jurassic/Cretaceous Franciscan Complex 

5. oolitic sand from Great Salt Lake, Utah

6. Zuma Beach, Malibu, California, primarily angular grains of clear and milky quartz

7. orange tan sand derived from the Navajo Sandstone in the San Rafael Swell

8. Garnetiferous sand from Pfeiffer Beach, California

9. iridescent coarse-grained angular basalt sand from a lava flow at Kalapana, Hawaii

10. white gypsum sand from Lake Lucero, the same sand that forms the dunes at White Sands National Park

11. large-grained quartz dune sand, Monastery Beach, Carmel Bay, California

12. sand with a large percentage of glass grains related to Glass Beach, Ft. Bragg, California

Use the message box in the cart or at checkout to let us know which sands to pack. Just give each sand's number from this list.




Shipping: By Priority Mail or USPS Ground Advantage, whichever is cheaper. Click > here < for shipping rates. See comment at Note! Use back button to return to this page.

The tubes weigh roughly 2 ounces each.

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